Saudi Alyoom

Study: A simple medical procedure may make high blood pressure a “painful memory”


Western media sources revealed a new and modern medical procedure that would “radically” solve the problem of acute and chronic blood pressure that millions of patients suffer from around the world.

A new scientific study confirmed that the new “radical treatment” for severe high blood pressure may reduce patients’ risks of heart attacks and strokes, and may end a painful history in patients with chronic pressure and make it memories.
One session is effective for years

What distinguishes this procedure is its simplicity in addition to the fact that it is a one-time treatment that lasts for years, and only takes about an hour.

According to the British newspaper, “Daily Mail”, the essence of the operation is to blow up some nerves in the human kidneys, by sending sound waves, to prevent them from sending signals to the brain that lead to high blood pressure in humans.

Experiments confirmed that one session of this procedure may last for 3 full years.
Pressure tablets may become out of date

According to the published article, more than a third of hypertensive patients are able to stop taking their blood pressure tablets completely after ultrasound therapy.

As for the rest, you may significantly reduce the amount of tablets (blood pressure pills), reducing the risk of their side effects, which range from diarrhea and dizziness to headaches and fatigue.

Treatment relieves a series of serious diseases

Doctors say the treatment lowers blood pressure so high that it can reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke by five times that of its peers.
According to the article, Britain’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) had previously reported that there was not enough evidence to support this procedure but is now planning to re-examine its decision after what it described as “a wealth of new data that demonstrated the effectiveness of the treatment”.

“It is conceivable that it could become a treatment option in the very near future,” says Professor Mel Lobo, Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine and a blood pressure specialist in London who pioneered the use of ultrasound therapy.
Blood pressure and its relationship to the kidneys

Blood pressure is a measure of the intensity of the force exerted on the walls of the arteries resulting from the flow of blood. The higher the pressure, the more difficult the heart’s work.

The increased pressure also damages blood vessel walls, so patients are at risk of clots that can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

The kidneys play a vital role in regulating blood pressure, as they secrete a hormone that interacts with other hormones in the body to cause blood vessels to constrict. If too much of this hormone is secreted, blood pressure will rise permanently.

The revolutionary new mechanism… How does it work?

The new method is based on deliberately damaging nerves in the kidneys, which can then turn off stimuli from the kidneys, helping to restore pressure to manageable levels.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia through a catheter inserted into a blood vessel through the groin.

Doctors use X-rays to travel through the body through a thin wire inserted into a tube through the catheter, until the tip of the tube is close to the nerves in the walls of the blood vessels connected to the kidney.

At the press of a button, high-energy sound waves are generated to heat and destroy nerves.

Doctors usually need to destroy at least six points to destroy as many nerve endings as possible. Patients are usually allowed to go home the same day.

New findings from Queen Mary University of London, published last month, show that treatment for kidney blasting lowered the readings of high-risk patients who failed to respond to the medication, despite taking at least three different pills each day.

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