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On the Nakba, the refugees and the right of return .. Animated films that document the Palestinian cause

Actions that carry the concerns of the Palestinian citizen and reveal the tragedies that the Palestinians are experiencing and the massacres perpetrated by the occupation on the Palestinian lands.
A different creative case for filmmakers who decided to document the Palestinian cause and the suffering of the people from the Israeli occupation using animated films, so a number of those filmmakers were able to present works that bear the concerns of the Palestinian citizen and reveal the tragedies that the Palestinians are experiencing and the massacres that the occupation perpetrates on the Palestinian lands, and confirms the identity of Palestine and the resistance.
The “imagination of the field” and the symbolism of refugee suffering
Palestinian director Khalil al-Muzayen used the story of uprooting the “fantasy of the field” or the scarecrow from the land he guarded, as a symbolic story of the suffering of the Palestinian refugee, in his film “Fantasy of the Field”, which was produced in 2013, and it is considered one of the first “three-dimensional” animated films that were carried out in Palestine, The film’s young heroine, Rima, after losing her parents in a traffic accident on the Palestinian border, is linked to the field imagination that her father made for her, and after an Israeli soldier uprooted him, she and her friends begin the journey to search for him.

The director of the film who wrote the script also tried to move away from the stereotypical image of the Palestinian child that the news and movies show in the midst of destruction and devastation. 40 minutes.

The film is produced by the “Zaitoun” animation unit, affiliated to the University of Applied Sciences in Gaza.

The Palestinian Nakba in the “Burj”

And between the history of the Palestinian Nakba in the late forties of the last century, and different stations in the Palestinian cause and the refugee crisis for successive generations, the animated film “The Tower” 2018 revolves, which is a French-Swedish-Norwegian joint production by the Norwegian director Mats Groord who chose the Burj Barajneh camp in Lebanon where he lives Palestinian refugees.

The heroine of the movie “Wardi” thinks at the beginning of the events that her grandfather has lost hope of returning to his homeland as he decides to give her the key to the house in Palestine. He was expelled from his homeland, until she reached her uncle, who participated in the resistance for a long time, before the situation changed and he lives far from people after he was wounded by the occupation soldiers.

The movie is set for 4 generations; The grandfather’s family, who was forced to flee from their lands with the declaration of the establishment of the Zionist entity in 1948, and the grandfather, the son and granddaughter, who represent the fourth generation who belongs to the camps.

The Right to Return in “Key Tales”

“Moftah Tales”, produced in 2007, is considered one of the first animated films that dealt with the Palestinian Nakba. The film maker, cartoonist Umayya Juha, was inspired to work from her grandmother’s stories and vivid testimonies that she spotted in the 35-minute length of the film.

Events start with “Ali and Hind” who used to tell the grandfather different stories every night, but the matter changed one day when he asked Ali the grandfather about the meaning of “citizen” and “refugee” and the grandfather gave him the key to their home in Palestine before their family was forced to displace them. Juveniles to a cartoon character that children relate to, in a symbolic way to affirm their right to return to the homeland again.

The film tries to confirm the bravery of men and youth and their resistance despite the weakness of their weapons and the lack of capabilities in front of the Israeli enemy, as well as confirming that the Palestinian people did not flee their land and leave it willingly, but some of them went out for fear of the oppression of the occupation with children, women and the elderly, so the film tries to monitor the extent of the tragedy and catastrophe experienced by the Palestinian people and their children as well. .

A humanitarian case in “Fatina”

Apart from the war and devastation, the Palestinian director Ahmed Habash presented his experience in the movie “Fatina” 2009, in which he presented a human experience and a realistic story of a girl living in the Gaza Strip suffering from cancer that spreads in her body and is a true story. The film is presented to the medical sector in Gaza and reveals the greed of some Doctors and providing them with inappropriate treatment, in addition to some scenes of life in the Gaza Strip in the years 2005 and 2006, which show the crises of power cuts and the closure of the borders with the Israeli occupier, which caused the suffering of the residents of the Strip, and the director resorted to some black comedy positions to alleviate the sorrow of the issue he deals with.
Source: Al Jazeera

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