Saudi Alyoom

Biden plans to appoint veteran diplomat Thomas Nides as ambassador to Israel


A source familiar with the matter confirmed, on Wednesday, that US President Joe Biden is expected to appoint a veteran diplomat and Wall Street CEO, Thomas Nides, as the US ambassador to Israel.
Nades’ appointment comes on the heels of a ceasefire reached last week after 11 days of fighting between Israel and Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip, in the worst clashes in years.

The Biden administration faced criticism for its lack of high-level diplomatic representation in Israel during the recent conflict, which prompted the White House to make finalizing the selection process a top priority.

The source did not say, “When does Biden intend to announce the appointment of Nades,” but stressed that “it will happen soon.”

For his part, no official statement was issued to the White House on the news.

Nides is currently a senior executive at Morgan Stanley, and previously served as deputy secretary of state for administration and resources in the administration of former President Barack Obama.

Source: “Reuters”

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