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Opening of an exhibition on the role of Siberia in the fate of the writer Dostoevsky


On May 24, an exhibition entitled “Dostoevsky, Searching for Man” opened in the “Vrubel” Museum of Fine Arts in Omsk in Western Siberia.

This is within the framework of the program “Dostoevsky and the Theater” which the Russian “Golden Mask” theater festival is carrying out on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
The purpose of the exhibition is to shed light on the role of the city of Omsk / where the writer spent a few years in a hard labor prison, the fate and creativity of Dostoevsky.

Rare books, documents and paintings are displayed in the exhibition.

It is noteworthy that the “Dostoevsky and Theater” project of the “Golden Mask” theatrical festival became one of the central activities of the 200th birthday celebrations of the great Russian writer.

The project was launched last February in Moscow and has now moved to the city of Omsk in western Siberia, where the aforementioned exhibition will be held between May 22 and June 6.

The director of the “Vrubel” Museum of Fine Arts, Farida Burieva, said in an interview with the Russian “TASS” agency: “We tried to collect as many exhibits as possible that would talk about the role of Dostoyevsky in relation to the city of Omsk and the role of Omsk in relation to the imprisoned writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky. .

According to Borieva, Omsk is not only an ugly small city, as the author described it in his book “Memoirs of the Dead House,” but also a place where the author met a large number of noble people who would not allow him to die.

It is noteworthy that Dostoevsky, who was sentenced to hard labor in Siberia for his participation in the anti-Tsarist organizations, remained in Omsk prison from 1850 to 1854. Here he worked in a brick factory, milled alabaster, worked in an engineering workshop, and shoveled snow in the city streets. And he was banned from writing in prison, so he contented himself with thinking about formulating his future novels.

Staying in Omsk had a huge impact on the writer’s creativity. For example, there he saw prisoners who had committed crimes similar to those of Raskolnikov (character in the novel “Crime and Punishment”) and shared their suffering, listened to their conversations and thanks to this, he accurately and convincingly revealed Raskolnikov’s psyche. His stay in Omsk prison helped him write “Diaries from the Dead House”.

It is mentioned that, Fyoder Dostoyevsky (1821 – 1881) is one of the most famous writers in Russia and the world. His novels include a deep understanding of the human psyche, as he provided an accurate analysis of the political, social and spiritual conditions in 19th century Russia, as they reflect a variety of philosophical and religious issues.

Among Dostoyevsky’s most famous novels: Crime and Punishment, The Karamazov Brothers, The Idiot, The Gambler, Letters from the Depth of Earth, Humiliated and Humiliated and others.

Source: TASS

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