Saudi Alyoom

Mohammed Assaf worries Netanyahu spokesman


Palestinian artist Muhammad Assaf said, “The aggression against all aspects of life continues without discrimination.” A spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Ophir Gendelman responded by tweeting on his Twitter account.
The response of an Israeli official of this magnitude to the Palestinian artist shows the impact of the campaign against the military intervention in the Gaza Strip on social media, in which well-known international artists participated.

In a tweet on Twitter, Assaf said: “Oh God … the aggression continues on all aspects of life without discrimination. Today, this occupier destroyed the Mashareq Foundation, my workplace for years and the beautiful memories before I was Assaf today .. the occupation, even if it destroyed the stone, Our memory will remain strong and present, and everything will be built. May God have mercy on the martyrs. ”

Gendelman answered Assaf, and told him: “Oh Muhammad, as a son of the Gaza Strip, you know very well the oppressive and terrorist practices of Hamas against the Gazans, and if Hamas had not fired rockets at Jerusalem and thousands of rockets at our cities, nothing would have happened in Gaza.”

He stressed that “Hamas bears sole responsibility for the devastation inflicted on Gaza, because it initiated the war in spite of the residents’ desire for calm. The initiator is more unjust.”

Gendelman’s response comes, despite the fact that observers believe that the Israeli violations in East Jerusalem, the campaign of displacement of citizens from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and the violations in Al-Aqsa Mosque, are what ignited the recent escalation.

It is noteworthy that Israeli political analysts are pointing the finger at the Israeli prime minister of igniting the region, with the aim of remaining in power and evading the criminal cases that pursue him.

Source: RT

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