Saudi Alyoom

The United Nations calls for an immediate cessation of violence between the Palestinians and Israelis and a return to negotiations


Today, Sunday, the United Nations called on the Palestinian and Israeli sides to return to negotiations and stop the ongoing violence between the two sides since the month of Ramadan, against the backdrop of the situation in Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, said in a session of the Security Council on the situation in Israel, the Palestinian territories and the Gaza Strip: “The raids and rockets from both sides must stop,” noting that “this has caused many deaths, including women and children.” On the Israeli side, too, because of the Gaza rockets. ”

Guterres called for “de-escalation and a return to negotiations in order to reach a two-state solution, in which Jerusalem is the capital of the two states,” adding that “a political solution is what will end violence and lead to a good future.”

For his part, the UN coordinator for the Middle East peace process, Tor Winsland, said in his speech that “Hamas and other groups launched indiscriminate rockets and artillery shelling from populated civilian areas, targeting populated areas in Israel.”

He also called on the Israeli authorities to “comply with international law,” stressing the need to “avoid targeting children in military operations.”

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