Saudi Alyoom

Media: 25 people were killed in an exchange of fire in Brazil


At least 25 people, including a Brazilian police officer, were killed today, Thursday, in a security operation against drug trafficking north of the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro.

The local newspaper “Globo” reported that an intense exchange of fire took place between security forces and suspects inside a metro station in the city, resulting in the killing of a police officer and 24 suspects.

The newspaper pointed out that “two of the passengers were injured, along with two other police officers.”
According to the newspaper, the security operation caused panic and panic among the citizens.

According to local media, nearly one million residents of the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro are under conditions of the control of the drug mafia.

And they live in conditions of emergency, as they are unable to obtain the most basic services, and children are unable to complete the school year, in addition to their inability to practice their rituals and religious rituals, due to the violence sweeping the city.

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