Saudi Alyoom

Does the United States ban silencers?


The arms embargo legislation has generated much debate in America between Republicans and Democrats over the years.

Democratic New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez and Representative Bonnie Watson Coleman introduced legislation banning so-called “silencers”.
The site “National Interest” that this is not the first time that Menendez sought to ban the manufacture or sale of firearms accessory to reduce the sound after the mass shooting incident in Virginia Beach, which left dozens dead.

“The sound of gunfire is what signals you to run, hide, take cover, call the police and help others save themselves, and this is almost impossible when using a silencer,” Menendez said.

Al-Siantor defended this law (banning silencers), saying, “The HEAR law prohibits armed attackers from using these lethal devices to facilitate the shooting and killing of another person.”

The bill has broad support among voters on both sides, and Democrats are supporting Dianne Feinstein of California, Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, Corey Booker of New Jersey, Ed Markey of Massachusetts, and Alex Padilla of California of the bill.

US law has regulated the sale of silencers since the passage of the Weapon Control Act of 1968, and stipulated that it is illegal to own or possess a silencer without registration and transfer tax fees of $ 200 in addition to the cost of the muffler, as well as to a comprehensive identity check, which includes the name Fingerprints and photos are saved in the file.

It is worth noting that the silencers only suppress the sound produced when the bullet is fired from the rifle.

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