Saudi Alyoom

Russia with vaccine and Britain with respirators … the world is rushing to help India fight Corona


Many countries are preparing to provide assistance to India in combating the Corona virus, in light of the record high number of infections in recent days.

The Russian Direct Investment Fund announced that the first batch of “Sputnik-V” vaccine will arrive in India in May. While the World Health Organization announced sending nearly 3,000 employees to help treat people infected with the virus.
Meanwhile, Britain announced the provision of a batch of ventilators. France, Germany and the United States also announced their readiness to provide assistance to the Indian authorities in order to control the epidemic.

Russian “Mir 24” channel correspondent, Igor Musonov, described the state of the health sector in India, assuring that “health care in India is exploding and hospitals are overcrowded, there are no beds and insufficient ventilation devices. Every day hundreds of oxygen cylinders are brought to New Delhi from all over.” The country. The situation there is the most difficult. ”

Also, “crematoria are overcrowded, and thousands of people die every day in the country. Bodies must be burned directly in the street.”

The country’s authorities are urging people to wear masks even at home, and a member of the National Institute of Transitions, Vinod Paul, says in this regard, “If we used to only wear masks when going out, now is the time to wear them in our homes. The epidemic has swept our country, so, from In order to protect ourselves and our loved ones, we must be as careful as possible. ”

Yesterday, Monday, India recorded a world record in the number of daily infections with the Coronavirus, more than 352,000 cases for the fifth consecutive day, and it also witnessed the largest number of deaths from the virus within 24 hours.

The total number of injuries reached more than 17 million cases, while the deaths reached 195,123, according to “Reuters”.

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