Saudi Alyoom

A new Russian missile called “Krylo” … What distinguishes it?


A missile designer spoke about what distinguishes the “Krilo” missile, which Russia continues to work on its construction project.

The Russian Institute for Mechanical Engineering Research began work on the construction of the missile, called the “Krylo-SV”, a few years ago. In February of 2020 work began on creating a prototype.

Boris Satovsky, head of the experimental model design office at the Institute for Mechanical Engineering Research, announced via video that the “Krilo-SV” missile was designed to take into account the possibility that its first stage could land even in a dirt airport or in a place covered by snow.

The so-called “Krilo-SV” is a rocket designed to carry satellites into space orbit. Its stage containing the engine can return to Earth to continue to be used as a missile that carries what must be placed in orbit around the Earth.

The Krylo-SV missile will be 6 meters long and 0.8 meters in diameter. The size of the experimental model is equivalent to one-third of the size of the missile. The Krylo-SV will be able to use speeds of up to Mach 6 (Mach speed of sound). A new engine, called “Vichr”, is being manufactured for the “Crelo-SV” missile.

The first stage is supposed to return to the ground by the engine after the second stage separates from the missile in order to continue flying.

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