Saudi Alyoom

Do mobile games cause epilepsy in children?


A recent scientific study revealed that children are extremely dangerous when children use smartphones and electronic devices in a large way, and the researchers said that children’s addiction to mobile games can cause epilepsy.

Video games and mobile games are a popular method for indoor entertainment among children and adults, but gaming activities have gained a lot of importance in the midst of the epidemic, which is considered a very dangerous matter, according to what was published by “Times News Now”.

Researchers indicate that video games and mobile games promote violence, and that this may lead children to develop violent tendencies.

The study said: “Although some games can improve the cognitive function, problem-solving and motor skills of children, some of them can infect them with some serious symptoms, such as epilepsy.”

The World Health Organization admitted in May 2019 that games can cause disruptions for children.

Epilepsy is one of the most dangerous symptoms that can affect children as a result of addiction to video games and mobile games.

Epilepsy is a “neurological disorder that can lead to recurrent seizures resulting from any malfunction in the brain, resulting from an abnormal activity of the electrical activity of the brain or a defect in the neurotransmitters.”

Children, especially females, are more prone to this condition compared to adults and males.

There is no specific treatment for this condition, but its symptoms can be controlled with the help of specialists and medications.

According to researchers, mobile video games stimulate the occurrence of epilepsy, because the play activity stimulates the brain to work greatly, especially for those who suffer from epilepsy due to light sensitivity, in addition to the emergence of a new type of epilepsy that scientists called “video game epilepsy”, and it produces About the successive disturbances caused by video and mobile games.

What do you do during epileptic seizures for children?

Epileptic seizures begin with fits of twitching in the extremities, muscle stiffness, loss of bladder control, loss of consciousness, and irregular strokes of breathing.

Once it starts, the seizure cannot be stopped, if the seizure continues for more than five minutes, call emergency services immediately.

When someone or a child has an epileptic seizure, be sure to do the following:

Ensure that their breathing is easy by tilting their head back and gently opening their jaw.

To prevent the person from choking, roll them on their side.

Do not feed the person anything.

Remove all surrounding items that could harm them.

Do not try to put pressure on the person too hard.

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