Saudi Alyoom

Restoration of the Yuri Gagarin Museum in Smolensk Province, Russia


The Russian government has granted the “Yuri Gagarin” memorial complex in the Russian city of Gagarin, federal legal status.
And this is on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the first space flight by a Soviet citizen, Yuri Gagarin, on April 12th.

This was stated by the Russian “TASS” agency on Monday, March 29th, by a spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Culture.

He said that the “Yuri Gagarin” complex in Smolensk district will, on April 12, acquire an official federal legal status and thus become government ownership and not local ownership of Smolensk province. The complex will receive funds for its restoration and maintenance from the Russian Ministry of Culture.

The spokesman said that the restoration of the complex, after its transfer to state ownership, calls for the restoration of the house of Gagarin’s parents, and another house where Gagarin spent his childhood days, as well as the restoration of the museum, “the first journey of man into space.”

The spokesman said that after the restoration process, the Russian Ministry of Culture will undertake the construction of a new building for the “Yuri Gagarin” memorial complex in the city of Gagarin.

The press office of the Russian Ministry of Culture quoted the Assistant Minister of Culture, Alla Manilova, as saying: “We count on the museum’s acquisition of the federal legal status to open new possibilities for more cultural and enlightening activities in various fields and encourage domestic and international tourism in the region.

It is noteworthy that the government decision to grant the museum “Yuri Gagarin” federal legal status came with a decree issued by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Source: TASS

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