Saudi Alyoom

Yemen’s president meets UN and US envoys to discuss Saudi peace initiative


Yemen’s President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi has held meetings with the UN and US envoys to Yemen to discuss developments in the country and efforts to end the six-year war, with the Saudi initiative at the forefront.

The new peace plan announced by the Kingdom last week includes a nationwide cease-fire, opening Sanaa airport, allowing fuel and other commodities into Yemen through Hodeidah, and resuming the political process.

Hadi told UN envoy Martin Griffiths that the Houthi militia’s continued escalation in Marib and other provinces confirmed the Iran-backed group’s lack of intention to commit to peaceful options to end the war, Yemen’s Saba News Agency reported.

Hadi said that the “Yemeni people will not accept the reproduction of the Iranian experience and the return of defunct priestly rule in Yemen no matter the cost,” adding that his government had made many concessions that have been met with intransigence from the Houthis.

Hadi called on the international community to financially support the government to be able to carry out its duties and humanitarian tasks and complete the steps to implement the Riyadh Agreement, stressing the importance of the efforts of the UN envoy.

Griffiths said that the humanitarian situation was extremely difficult, and required concerted efforts to end the bloody conflict and suffering.

He praised the “positive steps” taken by the Yemeni government in response to the Saudi initiative, and the efforts of the president and the international community to establish peace in Yemen and bring an end to the war.

Griffiths also met Yemen’s Foreign Minister Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak.

Earlier on Sunday, Hadi had a meeting with US envoy, Tim Lenderking, during which he affirmed support for his efforts.

“Unfortunately, the Houthi militia, with Iran’s backing, have not complied with the peace endeavors, the most recent of which was the Stockholm Agreement,” Hadi said. “Rather, they persisted in targeting innocent civilians, besieging Marib with Iranian missiles and drones, and increasing attacks on civilian objects in Saudi Arabia.”

Hadi stressed the depth of the strategic relations that bind Yemen and the US in various files, including combating terrorism, security, stability and promoting the unity of Yemen, protecting waterways and international navigation, and confronting Iranian interference in the region.

Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed stressed the importance of peace and economic support, and Washington’s role, which in turn reflects positively on the peace process and development and stability.

Lenderking reiterated US support for the legitimate government and its stance toward peace. He told Hadi that he hoped the Saudi initiative would succeed, in the interests of the Yemeni people, and bring an end to the war, in cooperation with all partners to preserve Yemen’s unity, security and stability.

He called for strengthening the strategic relationship with Yemen in facing all challenges, including combating terrorism, protecting international corridors and interventions in the region.

Griffiths and Lenderking also both met with Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Yemen Mohammed bin Saeed Al-Jaber to discuss the Kingdom’s peace initiative and joint efforts to reach a comprehensive political solution to end the crisis in Yemen.

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