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“She was afraid of me” … Muhammad Assaf talks about his wife for the first time after their secret wedding …

The Palestinian artist, Muhammad Assaf, revealed, on Sunday, for the first time, the scenes of his marriage, after months of holding his wedding secretly away from the media.

On the “Frankly” program, broadcast on “MBC 1”, he said that he was attracted to his wife at first sight, by taking a picture in the British capital, London.

Assaf indicated that his wife was accompanied at the time by her brother, who asked to take a picture with him and get to know him. The star of the “Arab Idol” program confirmed that as soon as he saw her, he felt attracted to her.

He continued that after that meeting he kept looking for her in London until he was able to reach her, and the relationship between them began

In normal conversations without any talk of marriage, and after a while he felt love for her. He pointed out that they met again in London after that, and visited her family’s home several times.

Muhammad Assaf told the program that his wife, whose marriage has not yet passed for 7 months, was afraid of him at first, and told him that the celebrity life was scary, while she wanted stability in her life, but he was able to reassure her.Regarding the qualities that he loves most about his wife, Assaf indicated that she is calm, sane, sober and has a good heart.

In August 2020, the Palestinian singer and star of the third season of the “Arab Idol” singing competition program, Muhammad Assaf, surprised his fans and fans by celebrating his wedding to a girl outside the artistic community.

Social media users shared video clips of Muhammad Assaf’s wedding, who claimed that it was held in the Gulf emirate of Dubai, and attendance at it was limited to the family of the newlyweds and some close friends.

According to “IT Arabic” website, the bride is called Reem Odeh, and she is 22 years old. She is Palestinian from Gaza and her mother is Danish. She lived with her family in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, then moved to Denmark after the death of her father.

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