Saudi Alyoom

Singapore builds a floating solar power plant …


Most of the countries in the world seek to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, especially in industrialized countries that witness huge emissions, and the expansion of the use of renewable energy sources is part of the global efforts to combat thermal emissions in general.

And Singapore is one of the countries with high levels of carbon emissions, which prompted its government to build a floating solar power plant on the waters of Jowhar Bay.

This was reported by the Chinese “South China Morning Post”, noting that the station established by Singapore consists of 13 thousand solar panels installed in a continuous manner on a huge area of ​​Gulf waters.

The newspaper pointed out that the goal is to reduce the percentage of carbon emissions in the country which has one of the highest rates of carbon emissions in Asia.

The area of ​​the floating solar power plant, which Singapore is building, is equivalent to the area of ​​45 football fields, indicating that it is scheduled to be completed this year.

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