Saudi Alyoom

Amazing shots … a crocodile kidnapped a shark from a fisherman …


Social media users shared amazing snapshots of the moment when a crocodile stole a shark from a fisherman who caught it, inches from his boat.

Fisherman, Nat Barnes, was on his boat with his neighbor, Geoff Trotwin, when they caught a small shark off the coast of Western Australia.

After Barnes caught a shark with his rod, he was surprised to see an 8-foot-long crocodile trying to snatch it from him in the water.

The video shows Nat Barnes trying to lure the shark towards it on the boat with his hook, and the predatory crocodile refused in return to give up his meal by tightening it with his strong jaws.

In the end, however, Nat was convinced that he would not win this battle and cut his line of hook, to leave his hunting for the crocodile that swam the shark to the river bank to devour it.

Geoff Troutwin, a neighbor of Nat Barnes, confirmed to the British newspaper “The Sun” that he had been photographing wildlife for 30 years, and had encountered many crocodiles, but he had never witnessed the interaction that took place between his neighbor and the crocodile on a shark.

“It was horrific,” he said. “It was unbelievable to see something so powerful up close.”

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