Saudi Alyoom

For recreational purposes … the legalization of marijuana in Virginia


Politico newspaper said yesterday that Virginia lawmakers passed a bill legalizing the use of marijuana for recreational purposes, starting in 2024.

The newspaper noted that the House of Representatives in this state voted in favor of the aforementioned initiative, by 48 votes, and 43 deputies opposed it. And in the Virginia Senate, the difference was only one vote – 20 to 19.

The newspaper stated, that the bill was passed, because the Democrats currently control both houses of the state legislature, and confirmed that Republicans in the House did not vote in favor of the document.

And now that document has been sent, for signature, to Democratic Governor Ralph Northam, who has previously announced his support for it.

Under this initiative, it will be possible to obtain marijuana legally from January 2024.

Currently, an administrative fine of no more than $ 25 is levied for owning marijuana. The legal sale of cannabis could begin in 2024. It would also be permitted to grow it at home.

From July this year, the state authorities will establish a special directorate to oversee the circulation of marijuana.

Source: TASS

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