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Controversy in Cyprus over a song in “Eurovision”


The song that Cyprus chose to represent it sparked in the “Eurovision” European Song Contest, as Europe extends to Europe, where some considered the song “glorifies and loves evil”.

On Wednesday, the Cypriot public television channel, CYBC, broadcast the song entitled El Diablo, voiced by Greek singer Elena Tsangreno.

And of course, the public image, the police, receiving a call from an unknown party threatening to burn a building, to protest against choosing the song for this Mediterranean country inhabited by the Orthodox Channel, in the contest “Eurovision”, the Cyprus News Agency.

The Union of Religious Education Teachers in Schools also notes a statement Friday, urging the Cypriot public body to retract this choice.

The union expressed its “horror” over the words of the song that was chosen to represent the island in the European singing competition scheduled for May, saying that the singer “glorifies and loves evil.”

She also inquired about the criteria adopted by the “CYBC” public “to select songs of this poor quality.” The union asked: “Why is it so difficult to choose artists from our island who can promote our culture and musical traditions in international singing competitions?

The General Broadcasting Corporation responded to the criticism, speaking of a misunderstanding of the song’s lyrics, which are inspired by “the perpetual struggle between good and evil.”

Cyprus has been participating in the “Eurovision” European Song Contest for four decades, and has achieved its best classification in 2018 by coming second.

Source: AFP


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