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Doctor: The crack in US President Joe Biden’s feet healed

الرئيس الأمريكي جو بايدن لدى وصوله إلى لزيارة أخصائيي العظام في ديلاوير لإجراء فحص على قدمة في نيووارك بديلاوير يوم السبت. تصوير: جوشوا روبرتس - رويترز

Wellington – (Reuters):
US President Joe Biden’s doctor, who fractured his right foot while playing with one of his dogs in November, said he has recovered from the injury and will return to his regular exercise routine.

“The president got a routine follow-up x-ray today. The tiny cracks in his foot are completely healed,” said Kevin O’Connor. Earlier on Saturday, Biden visited an orthopedic specialist in Delaware for an examination 10 weeks after the injury.

Biden’s health is closely followed by allies and opponents alike as the oldest American president ever to hold the office.

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