Saudi Alyoom

Thec United States … a Democrat accuses a Republican senator of trying to kill her


Democrat Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused Republican Senator Ted Cruz of “trying to kill her” during the storming of the Capitol, and called on him to resign from the Senate.

In a tweet, the congressman went to Cruz, saying: “I am ready to deal with the Republicans on several issues around which there is common ground, but you almost killed me 3 weeks ago,” adding: “Happy to work with any member of the Republican Party who did not try to kill me.” Meanwhile, if you want help, you can resign. ”

“You have not even apologized for the severe physical and mental harm you have caused to the Capitol Police, the sentry workers, and your fellow members of Congress,” she said.

Cortez had described in a previous statement the storming of the Capitol as a “very shocking event,” saying: “It was not an exaggeration to say that many members of the House of Representatives were almost assassinated,” noting that she did not feel safe about other members of Congress “because there were colleagues who would allow To be hurt and kidnapped. ”

Source: CNN + RT

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