Saudi Alyoom

The jury for the 2021 Andre Steinen competition includes the world’s leading photography


The André Steinen International Competition for Young Photographers has announced the members of this year’s jury, which is made up of leading professionals in the photographic sector, as this year’s jury team is unique.

The committee includes representatives of the world’s largest media and award-winning photographers, who in different years have already evaluated the work of the Andre Steinen contest participants.They include: Andreas Trump, director of the photo department at Stern magazine (Germany), Ruth Eichhorn, independent curator and former photo editor who was director of the image division of the German edition of GEO (Germany), and Alberto Prina, founder and coordinator of the annual Ethical Photography Festival in Lodi (FestivaldellaFotografiaEtica) (Italy), Wayan Landsberg is photo editor for the oldest newspapers in South Africa, Cape Times and Cape Arguz as part of the Independent Media Group, Valerie Melnikov, two-time winner of the WorldPressPhoto, special photojournalist for RIA Novosti (Russia), and Yuri Kozyrev, a number of awards winner Leading international photo co-founder of the world famous photo agency “Noor” (Russia).

It is reported that the IAEA’s thematic projects evoke positive global changes in society and the environment because they cover global warming issues and talk about social injustice or human rights violations through the language of photography.

Source: RT

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