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A big controversy over an exciting video of an American woman and her children: Kneel and pray for them … Black women have brought down Trump!

A white American woman asked her four children to kneel and pray for black women, in a video clip that sparked controversy and garnered the admiration of more than 13 million followers on the application “Tik Tok”.

Followers of this woman, Justin Champion, who called her “Tennechamps” on “Tik Tok”, were divided between supporters and opponents of her unorthodox faith.

The video shows Champion from California, with her four young children, playing outdoors, and commented: “I teach my white children how to behave.”

“Black women are the reason that Donald Trump is no longer our president,” Champion said, as her sons bowed in laughter. And she continued, “They are walking around the place cheering all the black women,” while her children bend on the playing mat behind her, adding that it took 5 times to get the video out correctly.

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