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Vanessa Kirby defends Tom Cruise over Mission: Impossible 7 on-set rant


Vanessa Kirby has defended her co-star Tom Cruise for his rant on the Mission: Impossible 7 set last month.

In an audio clip published online, Tom lost his cool when he spotted two assistants huddled around a monitor, watching playback and ignoring social distancing rules he had helped to introduce.

“If I see you do it again, you’re f**king gone. And if anyone in this crew does it, that’s it,” he was heard shouting in the audio clip.

The outburst saw five staff members quit the project, according to reports, but Vanessa – who stars alongside Tom in the film franchise – insisted he was just doing his bit to keep everyone safe.

Asked for her opinion on Tom’s rant during an interview with Extra, Vanessa replied: “I think being safe is the message for everybody, really.”

The actress’ sister works as part of the assistant director’s team on the film, with Vanessa adding: “For me, seeing my sister doing it on the ground and every day coming home from work and it all going well, it was all inspiring. The whole industry has been shut down – cinemas, theatres, film sets. Seeing her go and do it and be one of the first ones up gave me hope.”

Vanessa also revealed she’s going to be returning to the Mission: Impossible 7 set “next week or something”, and is looking forward to getting stuck back into the physically-demanding role.

“I’m really excited. I think with every Mission… the stunts get riskier and there’s ones on this that have been terrifying, and there’s many more to be filmed… It’s a pleasure for all of us to be back,” she smiled.

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