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Sofia Coppola ‘deeply wounded’ by Godfather Part III criticism


Sofia Coppola was deeply wounded after critics savaged her performance in ‘The Godfather Part III’.

The 49-year-old screenwriter and director was just 18 years old when she appeared in her father Francis Ford Coppola’s movie and although she was slated he says she has gotten the last laugh as she is now a “more famous movie director” than he is.

Francis, 81, told The Guardian newspaper: “Life is a great screenwriter. My daughter, Sofia, got such awful, unjust criticism for her performance in The Godfather Part III. She was 18 and was being told she’d ruined her father’s film. It was a deep wound for the poor kid. They were gunning for me, but she took the bullets. Now she is a more famous movie director than me. She got the last laugh!”

And Francis insists he will never make another ‘Godfather’ movie.

He said: “Me and ‘The Godfather’ are done now. There is more that [screenwriter] Mario Puzo wrote that we never used. But I don’t own ‘The Godfather’, Paramount owns ‘The Godfather’, and they may well decide to make more films. I feel that I’ve made my trilogy. I have other fish to fry.

“Releasing a movie is like following a sports team. You always sigh. Relief always follows the release of a movie, even if it’s a feeling of despondency.”

Francis also revealed he is still ambitious at the age of 81.

He said: “I want to make a film about the future. You know the Alfred, Lord Tennyson quote? ‘For I dipt into the future, far as human eye could see, saw the vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be…’ That’s the movie I want to make. It would be called ‘Megalopolis’. I’m 81 so I hope I have enough years to make it. I want to give the children of the world a vision of the future that is beautiful. That is positive. That is a heaven on Earth, because I really think we can have that.”

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