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Coronavirus and gender: More chores for women set back gains in equality

The coronavirus pandemic could wipe out 25 years of increasing gender equality, new global data from UN Women suggests.

Women are doing significantly more domestic chores and family care, because of the impact of the pandemic.

“Everything we worked for, that has taken 25 years, could be lost in a year,” says UN Women Deputy Executive Director Anita Bhatia.

Employment and education opportunities could be lost, and women may suffer from poorer mental and physical health.

The care burden poses a “real risk of reverting to 1950s gender stereotypes”, Ms Bhatia says.

Even before the pandemic, it was estimated women were doing about three quarters of the 16 billion hours of unpaid work that are done each day around the world.

In other words, before coronavirus, for every one hour of unpaid work done by men, three hours was done by women. Now that figure is higher.

“If it was more than three times as much as men before the pandemic, I assure you that number has at least doubled,” says Ms Bhatia.

Though the 38 surveys carried out by UN Women primarily focused on lower and middle-income countries, data from more industrialised countries show a similar picture.

“More alarming is the fact that many women are actually not going back to work,” says Ms Bhatia.

“In the month of September alone, in the US, something like 865,000 women dropped out of the labour force compared to 200,000 men, and most of that can be explained by the fact that there was a care burden and there’s nobody else around.”

UN Women warns that the ripple effect from having fewer working women will be dire on not only women’s wellbeing but their economic progress and independence.

BBC 100 Women has spoken to three women, looking at how the pandemic has impacted the amount work they do. They were asked to keep a time diary, noting down how they used the hours in a typical day, covering a 24-hour-period.

‘I reached my limit everyday’

image caption’I reached my limit almost every day, my daughter would be crying and then I’d be crying.’

Even before the pandemic, women in Japan spent on average almost five times longer than men on unpaid care work and chores.

Ten Wada is a brand consultant based in Tokyo and was working a part-time nursery teacher before lockdown began.

“It’s 5am and I’m desperately trying to complete this article on sake. The deadline isn’t for a few days, but I like to stay ahead of the game. ‘Mum life’ is unpredictable, and I don’t want this unpredictability to cost me a pay cheque,” she writes in her diary.

Teni says time is a luxury she doesn’t have in between home-schooling, planning meals, working and doing the laundry.

During lockdown, Teni and her husband have both been working from home, but their days look very different.

“He works from 9.30am to around 5-6.30pm, and I do feel like he has the luxury of going into a room and can concentrate on his work, but I don’t have that luxury, she says, “I do feel it’s a bit unfair.”

At home, Teni says she does around 80% of the unpaid work which includes home-schooling her three-year-old daughter.


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