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Alternative Therapies That Can Help Heal Your Soul

A new era of good-vibes alternative therapy can help you unleash your creativity while restoring your soul. We round up five options that will help you feel restored, revived and energised.

Equine Therapy

The relationship between humans and horses dates back millennia. A session begins by entering the arena or paddock and speaking through any issues. “Observing the horses’ reactions and how these differ from person to person is an amazing way to teach people about themselves, and about what makes us human,” says Kubik. By taking note of their subconscious, clients can often resolve the problems quicker, coming up with new ideas and solutions. “

Energy Healing

“You don’t get what you consciously desire. You get, manifest, what you energetically represent,” explains Soniyaa Kiran Punjabi, founder of Illuminations Wellbeing Centre in Dubai. Kiran Punjabi and her therapists offer a range of experiences that teach clients about the power of energy.

Online Reiki

A Japanese technique of energy healing, reiki is said to help reduce stress and promote relaxation. “Reiki via Zoom is possible because I am able to evoke the distance healing reiki symbols to help me channel the energy in,” says reiki master Lejla Cas, founder of Knesko Skin in the US. “

Sound Healing

“Sound therapy has come a long way over recent years as both doctors and science have now been able to prove clinically the calming, restorative, and transformative abilities that sound and frequency has on the mind, body, and soul,” says James Hanney, founder of Nature of Sound Works in Dubai. For the client sound healing is simple. There is no learning and during the session, you just have to lie down or sit comfortably and relax.

Dance Therapy

5 Rhythms uses movement as a medium for healing. Each hour-long session sees a guide lead you through the five rhythms of flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical, and stillness. You are free to move your body however you feel best releases your heart and mind.

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